Getting a bit nostalgic for the BBB, I checked it out and realized that Designate pretty much devastated Saberwulf, turning him to ashes. The whole "blasting him with a sun" idea was one of the first things I came up with for the final battle of the year between Designate and Saberwulf, but it seems very appropriate that someone who got burnt to ash would want to one up it in the most epic way possible.
One thing also on my mind lately is going through the bar and finding moments worthy of drawing to practice my style on. There are just so many things worth drawing and things I don't think I could properly capture. I need to work on backgrounds too
Also: What style would you call Zoofights in general? A comic? Illustrated story? Trying to sell the idea to a friend of mine, seeing if I can wrap him up in the forums for next year >:D
I'd call Zoofights an interactive illustrated story, and the bar RP is a freeform roleplay set in the same universe.