Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Ditto Experiment

As I was browsing GTS to try and round out the Kalos pokedex, I noticed quite a few people asking for Ditto. Now, Pokemon like Charmander or Froakie can be churned out at a daycare, but Ditto is a Pokemon that would have to be caught every time before trading, meaning that these requests would probably not be met for quite a while, if at all since they may be lost in the midst of other trade requests.

Well, thanks to the wonders of Wonder Trade, I decided to do an experiment. Spending around 70,000 pokedollars on Quick Balls and Dusk Balls, I went out and caught a full box of Ditto: 30 Pokemon. It took nearly 2 hours to get the full box, and immediately I went to wonder trade to see what I would get for these useful breeding balls of slime. Here are my results:

3 Bunnelby (one holding an Antidote)
2 Pikachu
Flabebe (Yellow Flower)
2 Ralts
Skrelp (which I actually needed, as an owner of Pokemon X)
2 Pancham
Hawlucha (with the awesome nickname Brutalibre)
Flabebe (Blue flower)
Mr. Mime
Gulpin (nicknamed Nom)

Overall, what you'd probably expect from a Wonder Trade. Sure Ditto isn't the most valuable pokemon, but hopefully these thirty trainers will now be able to breed their pokemon and get some eggs of some useful guys for wonder trade. The pokemon came from Japan, Germany, France, the USA, and Germany, with Japan being the most represented country of origin.

I kind of hoped for the Ditto experiment to produce more interesting results. The Noibat is quite a prize considering the usual fare, and it was nice to see some people at least offering Pokemon that aren't from the first few routes. Perhaps this experiment would be better conducted with a Pokemon that is difficult to obtain but not in high demand. The ultimate breeding Pokemon is always desired as soon as the day care is found after all.