Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Rounding up more rejects

A while back I did a blogpost with the many characters I've cooked up who didn't make the cut. Today as I changed my 2015 character hints to excise a character and replace them with a different idea, I decided to whip out a few more, mostly so I can finally delete their pictures from my recycle bin!

Original Character
At some point in Chatzy there was a discussion along the lines of pigs, and pig characters began springing up in my mind. Mainly, a pig assassin, and a google search brought up this picture you saw here of the character that was slowly forming in my mind. Anzu would be a perfect fit if we ever did go to Japan for an RP year, but she would have been an abrupt speaker, very conscious of being judged for being swine and with a short temper to boot. Nothing extensive was fleshed out, I just thought a pig ninja would be cool!

Mayor Blazingworth the 420th
Original Character
Although the name is stolen from one of TieTuesday's many Fibbage videos, the character that sprung up was of my own imagining. A super chill mayor whose weed tendencies are not hidden at all, for some reason I decided I want him to be a pot wizard as well and when I found this picture I both simultaneously realized I had found Mayor Blazingworth and would not be able to use him. Why? Because he'd just be the Crunk Wizard basically, and stealing ideas, especially from users who are gone, ain't cool.

From: Danny Phantom
Besides her very catchy song and surprisingly dark backstory, Ember had cool music powers and is a ghost! I toyed with the idea of her showing up as the girlfriend of JRM in 2012, but there were many problems with that idea and it was a twist for the sake of a twist. Maybe if I hosted Fite Club more often she could have shown up, but I'm putting the nail in the coffin for Ember now. I'll always love your design and concept and backstory and Danny Phantom was a pretty good show until they decided it needed a new tv movie every week.
From: Planet Hulk
Guess who liked the side characters in Planet Hulk? Me did! Miek especially, who began as an *ahem* meek character who grew in confidence and loyalty as he hung out with Hulk and the gang. Miek's many arms and interesting personality drew me to him specifically and I do like speech quirks even though I hate writing them because of fear of forgetting them, but Miek might have been fun if I had ever fleshed out the idea anymore than "MIEK! LET'S BE MIEK!"

From: The Walking Dead Video Game
Here we go, a character with more than "just an interesting face"! Molly was thought up because of something very specific in 2013 RP. When Cornwind unleashed zombies on the world like it ain't no thing, Molly was gonna show up with the backstory of being a space tourist who went with her family to explore Porphyrion only for them to all die in the zombie attack save Molly. In Walking Dead and potentially in RP her weapon of choice would be an ice pick and she would have a rough attitude without being harsh. She would get along with people but wouldn't put up with anyone's crap. Scrapped because the zombie thing passed and she had nowhere else to come from after that.

Monster Carrot
From: Dragon Ball
Can you say amazing concept? Can you say giant rabbit that turns people into carrots? Can you say "power that would not work in RP at all?" Monster Carrot was just such a crazy character and I wanted to use him so badly, but even in Fite Club he would be too intrusive with his ability to turn people into carrots. I considered giving the power an easy reversability, but that left him with nothing else going really. Sometimes you just got to give up on a concept to avoid ruffling other people's feathers.

From: Nerf NOW!
Morgan in the webcomic Nerf NOW! is a female version of the Demoman, and mostly I just really liked her design and wanted to build a character around that. At first I considered changing the name entirely and just building a character off the image, but I also considered having her be the daughter of the RED Demoman, using grenade launchers and the like in combat. The thing is, even as I tried to imagine her as something besides the webcomic character, I couldn't ever deviate far enough from her to make her my own character, so in the scrappile she goes.
Original Character
Based off of one of the many Role Play Rulesets Del drums up, Sinbad was a character I joked about using in that ruleset, but eventually he formed into a real character in my head, moreso than anyone else here. Before Deckplot he was slated for 2014, and I even considered him hitching a ride aboard the ZFS to appear in 2015. However, roster size started to become and issue I didn't feel I could give him enough time to fully flesh him out. The setting change after that just made the origin incompatible with the current setting. Sinbad is a feral king, and he was always meant to be found scrounging around the ZFS on first encounter. He and his two cats (who would have silly names of course) would join the bar and Sinbad would fight like a feral man would. Eventually, the truth of his origins come clear. Sinbad himself could not speak normally, speaking in basically caveman speak or lunatic ramblings, but he would believe his cats to be completely articulate. While relating what his cats said to others, we would hear the story of how he lost his kingdom and went insane for reasons I now forget. Oh well!

and lastly, a Big Bar Brawl Mystery Fiter Reject we will never see in the arena...

Thomas the Tank Engine
This mean machine would have crashed his way into the arena for whatever year he was slated to appear, but it never came to be. I mostly just wanted to play his jam and knew his reveal would be suitably what I want from a Mystery Fiter, but besides driving around as a train, he brings little interesting to the battle. Plus, the joke was done to death by the Skyrim mods and such, and I feel like there are many memes like "Loff and Loff" or the Monopoly man thing that I would either avoid to people's chagrin or indulge in and feel dirty doing so. The Mystery Fiter isn't supposed to be expected or predictable, hence why ten Shreks will not be showing up anytime soon either.

There they are, more faces down the drain! Most never even growing into true concepts! But now I can empty my "Future" folder of them and replace them with more half-baked ideas!


  1. So were any of these the one that got removed from your 2015 roster? It looks like these are mostly Ardea concepts.

    1. I considered putting that 2015 character on here, but they may yet still see the light of day, so for now, they aren't a reject, just rejected from 2015!

  2. Ah man, Monster Carrot! That takes me back. I absolutely adored his design and power when I first saw it. How DID everyone get turned back to normal at the end? Aaaand now I'm imagining what the series would be like, if they didn't. SHONEN CARROT ACTION GO!

    That picture of Sinbad managed to get a chortle out of me.

    Also, MIEK! I, well, I've actually never read the comic, but I saw the animated Planet Hulk. I really should read the comic, the side characters were the best part and I believe they get to do more in that. But, yeah, Miek's character arc was easily the best thing about that film.
