First day of using Chatzy with all you guys and we already had an awesome moment. I love imagining The Professor and the Lord shooting the breeze with Jumpropeman as he eats pizza. Changed our usernames a bit to make it work though~
Jumpropeman: I'm gonna make a pizza, so if I'm unresponsive, its because there is pizza occupying my hands
(a while later...)
Jumpropeman: I was having trouble with that pizza
Jumpropeman: I melted the cuttingboard
The Lord: Oh right. Pizza
The Professor: That doesn't sound kosher.
Jumpropeman: I had to scrape a glass dish and a plastic cutting board to cover my tracks
The Professor: JRM: Roughin' it.
Jumpropeman: I like making my pizza with teh wrong equipment. I burned my stomach somehow
Jumpropeman: the outside of the stomach of course
The Professor: How did you even manage that?
The Professor: That takes talent
The Professor: Right there.
The Lord: ........I am confused.
Jumpropeman: Revealing my secrets would ruin the magic
Jumpropeman: The pizza ain't even fully cooked...
Jumpropeman: but it tastes a'ight
M Sheep: Don't get worms, Jrm.
Cornwind: Hey Jumpropeman, you ever watch The Spoony Experiment?
M Sheep: How will you host FYM if you have worms?
Jumpropeman: I have seen it a few times I think. I only really go to for Linkara.
Jumpropeman: And the worms will help me host
Jumpropeman: They understand how the WALL!!'s worm attack works
The Professor: Brows Held High fan over here.
The Professor: ....and JesseOtaku.
The Professor: BUT THAT'S ALL!!
The Lord: Yes, trust me. Worms are a aggrievence beyond compare.
The Lord: Well, Spoony had this side show called Counter Monkey where he recounts Tabletop Gaming experiences
The Lord: When you're done eating, check out this particular story about a pizza
The Professor: I can help you out with that.
Erebus: D=<
The Professor: I can tell from title tht probably isn't something to watch while eating.
Jumpropeman: No deal Prof, I have an eating disorder, so if those worms can put up with it, they earned their spot in my tummy
The Lord: My fellow shadow, let me quote what someone I fought once who had a soul-stealing sword said about me.
Jumpropeman: freaking burned some of my fingers too
Jumpropeman: sheesh!
Jumpropeman: First world pizza problems
The Lord: "That was not the
reason! You…your…what ARE you?" Jin said as she stood up. "What they
felt…writhing in your chest…it was no more a soul than cancer is a
The Lord: I don't think you want whatever my soul's become.
Jumpropeman: I lost track of you Richard, so I'm just gonna eat my pizza and nod 

The Professor: Oh don't tease so. It just makes me hungrier...
Jumpropeman: Well Professor... Would you like to make a deal? The last two slices of my pizza for your SOUL!
The Professor: That is horrible deal. I cannot even taste nor digest it. What possible use could I have for it? No deal.
Jumpropeman: Take a nail, hammer the slices to the wall. Decoration! Call it Modern Art and you can make millions
The Professor: It will rot with time. I have no use for something that fades so quickly.
The Lord: "I also somehow doubt he is interested in mortal currencies, time spirit and eater of pizza.
Jumpropeman: I'm eating the
second remaining slice while listening to Spoony talk about store
restrooms. Living the life over here, you villains are missing out
The Professor: ....What would I even DO with with money, anyway?
Jumpropeman: Buy more pizza
Jumpropeman: you can have a whole gallery
Jumpropeman: Of Pizza art